W Magazine: Nicely Noted: The Thought That Counts
It’s hard to come across as thoughtful when you are scouring the greeting card section at Duane Reade at 5pm on the evening of your anniversary/mother’s day/your best friend’s birthday (fill in the appropriate occasion here). Thankfully there are people like Perry Nelson whose mission it is to make the rest of us look good. The former W editor recently founded Nicely Noted, a stationery subscription service that delivers a set of three letterpress cards—the mix may include, say, a birthday card, a thank you note, and a cheerful, just because card—to your mailbox every month. And because Nelson actually does think of everything, she also provides envelopes, stamps and tips for keeping in touch, and spotlights upcoming dates that might require a handwritten card. It’s all part of the service. You don’t even have to send her a thank you note.
Photo: Kate Lesueur
By Maura M Lynch
Read the original post on Wmagazine.com.