Ramblings of a Suburban Mom Review – October 2015

Nicely Noted stationery subscription service

Nicely Noted is a stationery subscription service that delivers a curated batch of letterpress cards and stamps to your mailbox every month.

The October 2015 Nicely Noted package included the following cards:

Partners in Crime by Lucky Horse Press in Woodbridge, NJ: LOL!!  This might be my favorite card ever in a subscription box.  I have some friends this would be perfect for.

Thank You Walrus by Bears Eat Berries in Tempe, AZ: This is a clean, classic card with a hint of fun in the “O”. I have no idea what a walrus has to do with a Thank You card, but I also don’t care because it’s so cute.

Party Animal by Paper Bandit Press in Provo, UT: Another fun one!  This is an all ages card to me and would work for one of L’s friends (he’s 7) or one or my friends (we are older than 7) or even grandparents.  I think the bright purple and bright green in this box are a fun surprise too.  We don’t often get brightly colord cards like this so it’s extra fun this month.

As usual, the package also included stamps which I always love. They give you absolutely everything (well except a pen) to get your cards in the mail.

Read the full post here.

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