My Subscription Addiction Review – September 2015

Nicely Noted is a monthly letterpress subscription service. Every month they send you a package with 3 cards and stamps to mail them. This month Nicely Noted included a detailed card about each card maker – I like this addition! Wild Monster by Anemone Letterpress: I’ve received a few cards from Anemone Letterpress thanks to Nicely Noted…READ MORE

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom Review – September 2015

Nicely Noted is a stationery subscription service that delivers a curated batch of letterpress cards and stamps to your mailbox every month. Nicely Noted ships via USPS in a thick envelope. Subscribers receive their package during the first week in the month.  If you sign up by the 15th of the month you will receive a collection that month….READ MORE

Hoosier In Hollywood Review – August 2015

Nicely Noted helps people discover new designers and enjoy the convenience of having the perfect card on hand. You get to look forward to receiving a care package each month, and pass that joy along to the recipients of all of your letters! I absolutely LOVE receiving this subscription each month! Every month, I have…READ MORE

A Year of Boxes Review – August 2015

Ever since I was old enough to write, I have LOVED any kind of stationery product. I don’t know what it is but I could literally spend hours wondering through the office supply section at Chapters. So it’s just a given that I love Nicely Noted, but even if you aren’t as obsessed with stationery…READ MORE

50 Awesome Monthly Subscriptions For Seniors

The other week I was sitting in my house and looked over and noticed a box sitting on the table. I asked my wife, “What’s in the box?” She said, “Oh, that’s my monthly shipment of clothing”…then it hit me! How many times are you too busy to go out to the store, too lazy or tired…just fill in…READ MORE